Saturday, January 26, 2008

I've been tagged

A friend left me a note that I've been tagged. Now being new to the blogging world, I didn't really know what this meant. This what I have to do.

1. Post the rules and link to the person that tagged me.
2. Tell 5 random/weird things about myself.
3. List 5 places I would like to see or see again.
4. Link to 5 blogging friends and notify them on their blogs that they've been tagged.

Well, first of all, thanks a lot, Amanda. Amanda tagged me and she can be found at I met Amanda when she came to The Gambia to teach missionary kids. That was pb (pre-Brad). Now she and her husband Brad are the parents of two cuties. Brad is in the military and will soon deploy. Amanda and I hadn't communicated in years, then we found each others blogs...and I got tagged!

5 random/weird things about me. This is a tough one. I'm pretty normal (okay, no comments out there).
1. I talk to myself (often) and in two languages.
2. I am a ventriloquist. (Now which came first number 1 or number 2? hmmm...I'll never tell.)
3. I have what my friends call a "texture thing" about foods. I won't eat foods that are "rubbery/slimy" (ie. eggs, mushrooms etc).
4. I go crazy without a book to read.
5. I hate wearing shoes. (Handy that I live in Africa rather than Alaska, huh.)

Five places I would like to see or see again.
1. I want to see all 50 states of the U.S. I have been to more than half, but I've never been out west.
2. London
3. South Africa
4. Orient-no country in particular, just that region
5. My first answer covers a lot of ground.

Now I get to tag some people. This is hard because I only know a few people who blog.

I tag Suellen a fellow blogging missionary here in The Gambia.

I tag my nephew's girlfriend. I don't know you yet Chelsie, but welcome to the family.

I tag a missionary who seldom updates her blog, so I don't have much hope that she will participate.

I think that's all I can do. This was kind of fun. Although I wouldn't want to do it very often, hint, hint.

I might have a regular post later this weekend. We'll see.


amanda said...

good job Joanne! I promise that's the last time I tag you...

You talk to yourself in two languages...out loud or in your head? Unfortunately for those around me I talk to myself out loud...


Aji said...

Out loud, of course. Is doing it in your head really talking to yourself??? I get strange looks sometimes when I forget that I'm in public and find myself debating the merits of something in the grocery store. Sometimes you just need a second opinion!

Suellen Black said...

So that is why you understand the two voices in my head (sitting on my shoulder).