Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sisters of Perpetual Togetherness

Most of you know that right now on our mission station there are only 3 single ladies. So when our regional administrator and his wife were coming with another couple, we decided that they needed to be informed upon arrival that there have been some changes. The station is now Ndungu Kebbeh Abbey, the residence of the Sisters of Perpetual Togetherness. This sisterhood was formed in 2002, but was only active for a few weeks. (Suellen and I are the charter members.) Since May of 2006, however, the sisterhood has been actively in charge of this mission station. We have had 3-4 members present at a time. It's possible that by the end of 2008 we could have a record 5 members here together.

This type of sisterhood is not for everyone. The sisters work together, pray together and play together, but they do NOT share a house. That is beyond the call of duty in the eyes of all the sisters!

So in anticipation of the boss's arrival, we decided that the change in status should be announced. Here Suellen blesses the sign before it's official placement. (as Teresa, the newest member, watches, thinking, "What have I gotten myself into?")

I have been designated the Mother Superior, due to my status as charter member and senior missionary to the other two. When more senior missionaries return, I will happily relinquish my position!

Here are the 3 current members of the sisterhood. (Teresa suggested that the other name for our group could be the Ndungu Kebbeh chapter of the "Unclaimed treasures".) Of course, I would just say that the treasures have been God and Africa.

Now for those of you that have taken any of this seriously, please don't! Our boss found it amusing and his wife wanted to stay. (He wouldn't let her though, go figure!)


darlene said...

Please have a concil meeting and see if the "sisters of perpetual togetherness" has an international branch... If so I would like to join. Maybe I could get the others in Mexico to do the same. Take care and tell Suellen hola from Darlene

amanda said...

too too funny! I love that you put it right out on the sign by the road...what did the Gambians think of it??? Silly tubabs!