Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A weather event

Sometimes weird weather happens even here. It's funny that just after I write about the weather, we have a weather event. I didn't exactly see it happen, but I saw the remains.

This morning we woke up to a cool, cloudy day (70's). My first thought was, "It looks and feels like rain,...but it's February!" A few minutes later, I heard a few sprinkles on the corrugate metal roof, but it wasn't enough to even see on the ground. The metal roof often makes nothing sound like something. Sprinkles like that don't happen very often, but it's not unheard of either, so I didn't think anything about it.

I had a meeting about 15 miles up the road this morning (a very boring, government sponsored "sensitisation" workshop- which in this country usually means giving information about something). As I was driving to the meeting I started noticing that the road was wet! A little further up the road and I was driving through actual puddles in the road! Just a few miles from here had a big rain and I missed it! At least I got to drive through the puddles :-)

I know, I know, what can I say? It doesn't take much to entertain me.

For those of you still trying to figure out what the event was, it was the rain storm big enough to leave puddles in the road. We are in the middle of dry season. Our dry season doesn't mean little rain, it mean NO significant rain for 6-8 months. I remember one January when it was cold and rainy for 3 days in a row, but that was so unusual, we still talk about it. Even that rain didn't leave puddles in the road. It just kind of drizzled for 3 days.

Someone told me that commenting on the blog isn't always easy, so please, keep trying. It's been fun to hear from some of you that I didn't even know were out there. I know there are more of you though. I had 30 hits and only 6 comments.

Some of you didn't do your assignment. (Said in a sing-song voice.)


darlene said...

So what was the event????

Aji said...

I changed the blog to make it more clear. Try reading it again.

Suellen Black said...

Ah, scaring or quilting your readers into posting a comment... scary.

If you look at the ground really close, you can see a few pitters of evidence of those sprinles we heard. It sprinkled a bit harder around noon. Not much though... Tersa would need her glasses to see the evidence!

mumsee said...

Woke up to a cool seventy degrees? Are you sleeping to midafternoon over there? The event sounds wonderful and I am glad you got to play in the puddles and not get stuck in them. Thanks for giving detail on what may be mundane to you but is very interesting to those of us locked onto the prairie of Idaho. Though I am enjoying holding still for a while.

Peter V said...

This is Peter V. I read your comments over on WOTW, was interested in your work as mentioned on your bio.

Usually I am more of a lurker than a contributor, mostly because by the time I am ready to post on anything, the discussion has moved on...

Anonymous said...

hey I am very romantic when I want to be it wasn't lewis I don't know what kinda guy would sign his name to someone else's flowers thats creepy